Ancient ruins


Von 52 Einheimischen empfohlen

Tipps von Einheimischen

April 26, 2018
Lykische Felsengräber wunderschöne Bootstour zum 6 km langen Iztuzu Strand
July 18, 2022
wunderschöne archäologische Stätte mit Amphitheater und malerischen Ausblick auf die Seenlandschaft
October 2, 2018
Get the small rowing boat situated near the tea gardens to the other side of the river. Turn left and walk for approx 20 mins to find the amazing Lytheum ruins. Go early or late in day to avoid heat. Spectacular
April 9, 2018
An ancient Roman site with amphitheatre, a Byzantine basilica, Roman baths, and rock tombs. You can cross to "the other side" on the small rowing boat near Savash's boat and walk for 10/15 minutes to Kaunos. Its a fascinating place
July 19, 2022
Maginficent Roman ruins, get place to take a picnic and admire the views from the top of the Amphitheatre
Ortaca, Muğla