
Red Apple - Art Gallery

Von 1 Einheimischen empfohlen,

Tipps von Einheimischen

July 30, 2020
It is impossible to visit Istanbul without someone asking to show you a carpet. The Red Apple Art Gallery is a friendly place where you can shop without pressure. Just down a side street (Ebussuud Cd.) near Gulhane tram station, you can see beautiful carpets, jewellery., towels, ceramics and more, all made in Turkey. Tell them Yusuf sent you for a special discount.
It is impossible to visit Istanbul without someone asking to show you a carpet. The Red Apple Art Gallery is a friendly place where you can shop without pressure. Just down a side street (Ebussuud Cd.) near Gulhane tram station, you can see beautiful carpets, jewellery., towels, ceramics and more, a…

Red Apple - Art Gallery mit Entdeckungen auf Airbnb

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