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Rechtliche Bestimmungen

Informationen über die Aktualisierung unserer Nutzungsbedingungen für Nutzer:innen in China

Last updated: July 10, 2024

We’ve updated our Terms of Service (“Terms”) and our Privacy Policy.

The updates to our Terms discussed below are effective for all first time users beginning August 2, 2024 (CST). The updated Terms will also go into effect for existing users on August 2, 2024 (CST). After that date, you will need to agree to the updated Terms and acknowledge the Privacy Policy in order to have full access to the Airbnb Platform. Your use of the Airbnb Platform from that date onward will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.

Capitalized terms not defined on this page have the same meanings given to them in the Terms. You can read the full terms in the links below, along with key changes and other important information:

Updates to the Terms of Service

  • We updated our contracting entity for users residing in mainland China (which for purposes of the Terms, exclude Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, "China").

Updates to the Privacy Policy

  • We replaced the Privacy Policy for China with a Privacy Supplement for China users that applies in addition to the Airbnb Privacy Policy, and made corresponding changes to the Airbnb Privacy Policy and the Outside United States supplement that reflect this change.

Common Questions

Here are a few common questions that you may have about this process.

I created my Airbnb account before June 27, 2024 (CST). What will happen after August 2, 2024 (CST)?

After August 2, 2024 (CST), all users who registered their Airbnb account before June 27, 2024 will be asked to review and agree to the updated Terms. You will have to agree to the updated Terms before you can continue to have full access to the Airbnb Platform. If you disagree with the updated Terms, we'll give you information about your options for completing existing reservations and canceling your account. If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties during this process, please email for assistance. Existing users will not be able to agree to the updated Terms earlier than June 27, 2024. Your continued use of the Airbnb Platform from August 2, 2024 will be subject to the new Privacy Policy.

I created my Airbnb account on or after June 27, 2024 (CST). Which Terms apply to me?

If you registered your Airbnb account on or after June 27, 2024, you already agreed to the updated Terms of Service. Also, your use of the Airbnb Platform is subject to the new Privacy Policy. The updated Terms apply to you and there is nothing more you need to do.

How do the updated Terms apply to my upcoming confirmed bookings?

The updated Terms will apply to all activities (including existing, confirmed bookings) on the Airbnb Platform from the time you agree to them. If you are an existing user and you do not agree to the new terms, the previous version of the Terms of Service, Payments Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy will continue to apply to bookings you confirmed before August 2, 2024 (CST). Regardless of whether you agree to the new Terms, your continued use of the Airbnb Platform from August 2, 2024 on will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.

I do not reside in China. Are the updates to the Terms relevant to me?

The updates to the Terms are only relevant for users who reside in China.

If you have any other questions, you may contact our Community Support team for help in the following ways:

  1. Go to the Help Centre on the Airbnb website and and click “Contact Us” at the bottom of the page:
  2. Submit a Help request via the Airbnb website:

Until September 2, 2024 (CST), the existing versions of the Terms can be found at the Terms of Service Archive and Privacy Policy Archive pages.

We hope that you found the above information helpful. We've highlighted what we think are the most noteworthy changes, but you should also review the documents in full yourself.

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