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So funktioniert es

So kannst du Feiertage in deinem Kalender prüfen

Plan ahead and make sure you’re available to be booked during peak holidays, at a price that works for you.

You can access holidays directly in your calendar via a "single listing" view. Holidays are displayed with a dot on the calendar, and the specific date will be shown when you edit your nightly price in your calendar.

You can either block out dates for the holidays, or keep them open so guests can book your listing during high-demand holidays (such as Labor Day or Christmas).

All federal holidays for the country where your listing is based will be highlighted directly in your calendar.

Check your calendar for upcoming holidays in your area for preferred availability, and make sure your pricing settings are applied before guests start booking.

Improving your prices during the holidays

You can take advantage of improving your earnings during holidays. On average, Hosts can earn more on high-demand nights, so consider opening up your listing in advance for holiday bookings.

With holidays, price and travel trends may change on days around that time. For example, you can look at similar listings for more insights on average booked and unbooked prices.

So greifst du in deinem Kalender auf Feiertage zu:

  1. Rufe den Kalender auf.
  2. Wähle einzelne oder mehrere Reisedaten aus.

Hinweis: Wenn du einzelne oder mehrere Reisedaten auswählst, kannst du unter dem Kalender auf ein Drop-down-Me­nü mit den Optionen „Nächte freigeben“ oder „Nächte blockieren“ zugreifen.

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