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Erstelle deinen Reiseführer mit lokalen Tipps

Hilf Gästen mit einem maßgeschneiderten digitalen Reiseführer dabei, deine Gegend besser kennenzulernen.
Von Airbnb am 29. Okt. 2019
Lesezeit: 1 Min.
Aktualisiert am 4. Feb. 2025

Guests often ask for local recommendations for dining, sightseeing, shopping, and experiencing the outdoors. You can share your favorite places, like where to grab a coffee or take a memorable hike, in a guidebook.

Creating a guidebook puts all your suggestions in one place that’s easy to share and update, saving you time.

Tips for creating a guidebook

  1. Keep it brief. Make it easy for guests to scan your suggestions. Explain what the place or experience is and why they should try it.

  2. Make it personal. Strong recommendations come from direct knowledge and experience. It’s best to recommend only places you’ve personally enjoyed.

  3. Hit the highlights. Mention outstanding features, like a restaurant’s outdoor patio, or a store’s section of locally sourced goods.

  4. Include a photo. Airbnb automatically adds images to most recommendations. You can also upload photos you’ve taken for any place you include.

  5. Keep it updated. Review your guidebook from time to time to add new suggestions and check that all information is still accurate.

Learn how to add a guidebook to your listing

How guests access your guidebook

Guests can find your guidebook on your listing and profile pages, and in their Trips tab. 

You can also set up a quick reply for your guidebook and send it to guests directly when they ask for recommendations.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.
29. Okt. 2019
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